Vets Vibes
Ian Howells
Wednesday the 12th March had a number of competitions (80players) being competed for including the 1st round of the Sunvue sponsored Strokeplay championship, another nett qualifying round for the Coffee Club Shootouts, Hidden holes and a Nett Vets haggle
Wednesday Results 12th March
Fintan Downes, Jean Dillon, Kellie Orchard, Daz Dixon, Colin Gee, John Keats, John Marsh and Ross Capill.
Haggle - Nett Competition
First Division
1st Allan Winter 67, 2nd Colin Gee 68, 3rd Graeme Davis 70.
Second Division
1st Brian Taylor 69, 2nd Yun Ju Lee 69, 3rd Barry Little 70.
Nearest to the Pin on the 11th
First Division
Kellie Orchard
Second Division
John Marsh
Hidden Holes Sponsored by “Outta the Blue”
Yun Ju Lee

Sunvue Strokeplay Championship
Ladies Gross Results
1st Kellie Orchard 77, 2nd Donna Dyer 90, 3rd Maxine Cotter 91
Mens Gross Results
Division 1 – 1st Evan Aitken 79, 2nd Ian Hawke 80, 3rd Daz Dixon 80
Division 2 – 1st John Keats 88, 2nd Barry Whiteley 88, 3rd Paul Cole 89
Division 3 – 1st John Marsh 88, 2nd Kim Puan Tay 93, 3rd Ian Barr 94
Upcoming Competitions
Wednesday the 26th March Vets Stableford Competition and Coffee Club Shootout Qualifying.
Wednesday the 26th March Vets Stableford Competition and Coffee Club Shootout Qualifying.
To all 18 hole members (men and women), if you are 50 years or older you are welcome to join us on a Wednesday for Vets Day. Score Cards into starters office between 8.30 and 9.00am for multi tee start at 9.30am. $5 entry plus optional $2 for twos entry.