Vets Vibes
Ian Howells
Wednesday the 19th February was a Stableford competition with twos and a lucky draw. Conditions were good for a field of 82 players and scores were generally lower with the recent rain.
Wednesday Results 19th February
Barrie Barmes and Min Young Oh
Haggle - Stableford
First Division
1st Maxine Cotter 43, 2nd Jessie Savage 39, 3rd Jake Lee 39.
Second Division
1st Bruce Martin-Hendrie 41, 2nd Min Young Oh 40, 3rd Barry Whiteley.
Nearest to the Pin on the 11th
First Division
Trevor Bain
Second Division
Robyn Alabaster
Lucky Draw
John Holloway
Upcoming Events
BOP Vets Day 24th February at Omokoroa. Entries closed
Quads at Tauranga 3rd March
Vets day 26th February will be a nett round and the 1st round of qualifying for our shootout competition later in the year.
To all 18 hole members (men and women), if you are 50 years or older you are welcome to join us on a Wednesday for Vets Day. Score Cards into starters office between 8.30 and 9.00am for multi tee start at 9.30am. $5 entry plus optional $2 for twos entry.
Vets 3 Day Pairs Tournament 12th – 14th February
After 3 days of fantastic weather and on a golf course in great condition with 116 players taking part and different formats on each day.
Mens Pairs Winners
1st G Dorward and M Middleton
2nd B. Martin Hendrie and Barry Whiteley
3rd L. Barron and J Marsh
Ladies Pairs Winners
1st B. Ellingford and G. Broomhall
2nd Z. Baguley-Skayman and D. Rumney
3rd D Day and S. Gee
A big thank you to Omokoroa Country Estate and the Golf Warehouse for their sponsorship.