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General Managers Message
Dayne Bulloch

Kia ora kotou,

It is hard to imagine that we are almost through February and there have already been over 8000 rounds played .  Last year we were well up on the numbers compared to 2023, we are already 23% up on the numbers of rounds played compared to the same time last year.  Nationally, golf rounds are up 5.7% and in the Bay rounds are up 8.4%, again Omokoroa is proving a popular place to play.  Out of the rounds played to date, members make up 75% of the rounds played, so people are certainly getting value for money for their memberships!

The second hole will be back in play this weekend, just make a note that whatever the rule for the course around placing, the second hole will have one club length placing on the fairway.

One last thing for this week, keep and eye out for the formal notice for the special general meeting that will be occuring on March 13th, that will be coming out early next week.




Captains Corner
Daryl Muir

We have 2 Club Events over April.  The first is the Triangular Tournament between Omokoroa, Waihi and Whangamata.  This year it will be hosted by Omokoroa Golf Club on Sunday 6th April.  Please find all the information below.  There will be an entry sheet in the Locker rooms from 1st March.


The second is the Rosie Tray Mixed event on the 25th April, ANZAC DAY.  This will be the 44th year of this event to commemorate Anzac Day.

The entry sheet will be available in the office from 18th March, please mark the date on your calendar.


We now have a Dog Policy in place which was passed by the Board at the meeting held on 17th February 2025 and is effective immediately.

Please find this below.


  • No dogs on the Golf Course at all times
  • Dogs allowed in the carpark area and Clubhouse surrounds, must be on lead at all times.
  • No Dogs in the Clubhouse.
  • Exceptions: Service dogs, Staff dogs.  These dogs must be on a lead/under control at all times.

There will be signs erected at various locations around the course and it will also be available on the Club website.

Remember, take your sand bucket, repair your divots and all pitch marks.


Triangular Tournament

Omokoroa, Waihi and Whangamata Golf Clubs

Sunday 6th April 2025  -  10 am shotgun start

At Omokoroa Golf Club

Cost $15 pp (incl twos) to be paid to the Pro Shop on arrival and a pre printed card will be ready

Free coffee and scones on arrival

Teams—each club has 12 men & 8 women minimum but NO MAXIMUM

Carts—to be booked through the pro shop at own cost—07 548 0384

4 Trophies to be competed for:

· Waihi vs Whangamata— both Mens an Ladies trophies, average Stableford scores for all entries 2 trophies

· Omokoroa vs Whangamata—combined Mens and Ladies trophy, average Stableford scores 1 trophy

· Omokoroa, Waihi and Whangamata—Combined Mens and Ladies  Stableford               scores 1 trophy

Catering and bar—Kitchen cabinet and menu food available at own cost.  Bar facilities open. 

There will be meat raffles available after the game.

Prize giving and trophy presentation following the golf.




9 Hole Ladies
Yvonne Hoskins

Thursday was our first round of competitions.  Rohanne Hancock opened our golfing year with a great shot that went beyond the practice bunker!  We had a large field of 38 players with some good scores being achieved.  The competition was stableford.  Brenda Anson had an amazing game and came in with 25 stablefords, followed by Rohanne Hancock and Maria Wragg with 20, Jacqui Crossfield and Shirley Johnstone with 19, and three players receiving a ball for getting 18 stableford points - Christine Kelly, Margaret Seavill and Yvonne Hoskins.  Well done ladies.  Looking forward to a great golfing season.




9 Hole Men
Fred Hartley

Men’s Nine Hole Golf, Thursday 20th February

Round No 1 of the Stableford Cup, top scores:

Front Nine
Vic Sterling            20 pts
Lynton Holmes     20
Allan Hoskins       18
Blair Francis         18

Back Nine  
Bill Joy                   22 pts
Alec Dingle          21
Fred Hartley        20
Ken Hartley         20

Next Week         Round No. 1  Shootout (Nett)



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Men's World
Ben Van den Borst

Congratulations to Brian Gill for winning the Reg Carter Cup last Saturday, with a final round net 66 just beating out Bruce MacKenzie who had three brilliant under par net scores, lots of great scoring through the three weeks so hopefully the form continues for everyone through to the upcoming Matchplay Championships.

This Saturday is the qualifying round for the Matchplay Championships, please make sure when you print your card that you enter the matchplay qualifying as this is how we will know you have entered the competition. The draw and size of the competitions will be completed according to the number of entries received on the day. The top 16 qualifiers in each division will play for the championship in the respective divisions, and your handicap index as of this Saturday determines which division you will be entered in. Good luck to everyone with your qualifying round this Saturday.

Our Mens pennant teams have had a solid start to the season, with our championship team recording an excellent win over Tauranga and a tied match with Kawerau in their two matches to date. Our intermediate team had a great win while the Junior team a hard fought tie Fairview with in their first matches out on the 9th of February. Good luck to the Intermediates and Juniors who play their second matches this Sunday at Tauranga Golf club, and our Championship team who play Opotiki at Te Puke Golf Club. Our senior team have a bye this weekend and currently have one win, one loss and one tied match, three rounds into the season.

The Mens committee are keeping abreast of the one tee start trial, any constructive feedback is always welcome to

Please also keep an eye out for upcoming communications as we will be having our first Sat Mens version of a  ‘roll up’ Saturday of the year in the near future.

As always , many thanks to our great sponsors.

Thank you to all our Sponsors
Craig King - NZ Electrical, Philip Annan -Annan Law, Raewyn Stanaway -Barfoot and Thompson, Ben Taylor - Bethlehem Butchery, Chris Rhind - Stay Right Contracting




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Women's World
Debbie Clark

Haggle Winners

 Saturday 15th February

Div 1

1st Judy Crawford     68net
2nd Sue Dark             69net
3rd Chrissy Anderson 70net

Div 2
1st Brenda Arneson 67net
2nd Vicki Colbourne 67net

3rd Zoe Baguley-Skayman 69 net

Alma Eatery NTP: Robyn King

Tuesday 18th February

1st Dee McCrea        66net
2nd Lynda Smith       69net
3rd Glenda Gourley  70net

Alma Eatery NTP: Martina Keir

National Teams Event
The team for the National Teams District final, at Te Aroha on the 28th April is

Dee McCrea                          66net
Zoe Baguley-Skayman       69net
Lynda Smith                          69net
Martina Keir                          70net




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Vets Vibes
Ian Howells

Wednesday the 19th February was a Stableford competition with twos and a lucky draw. Conditions were good for a field of 82 players and scores were generally lower with the recent rain.

Wednesday Results 19th February

Barrie Barmes and Min Young Oh

Haggle -  Stableford

First Division
1st Maxine Cotter 43, 2nd Jessie Savage 39, 3rd Jake Lee 39.

Second Division
1st Bruce Martin-Hendrie 41, 2nd Min Young Oh 40, 3rd Barry Whiteley.

Nearest to the Pin on the 11th

First Division
Trevor Bain

Second Division
Robyn Alabaster

Lucky Draw
John Holloway

Upcoming Events

BOP Vets Day 24th February at Omokoroa. Entries closed

Quads at Tauranga 3rd March

Vets day 26th February will be a nett round and the 1st round of qualifying for our shootout competition later in the year.

To all 18 hole members (men and women), if you are 50 years or older you are welcome to join us on a Wednesday for Vets Day.  Score Cards into starters office between 8.30 and 9.00am for multi tee start at 9.30am. $5 entry plus optional $2 for twos entry.

Vets 3 Day Pairs Tournament 12th – 14th February

After 3 days of fantastic weather and on a golf course in great condition with 116 players taking part and different formats on each day.

Mens Pairs Winners

1st G Dorward and M Middleton
2nd B. Martin Hendrie and Barry Whiteley
3rd L. Barron and J Marsh

Ladies Pairs Winners

1st B. Ellingford and G. Broomhall
2nd Z. Baguley-Skayman and D. Rumney
3rd D Day and S. Gee

A big thank you to Omokoroa Country Estate and the Golf Warehouse for their sponsorship.

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PaR nz Pairs Twilight 
Kerry Duggan

Last round of twilight this week with the full and final prizegiving to follow after the game, 

Please make sure you book your buffet in with Tina in the kitchen 

Lots of changes over the season to the leaderboard. its going to come down to the last night - team mills currently leading with 409 followed closely by ParTee Boyz 397

Kerry is looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday for the final night




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Saturday Junior Golf
Sponsored by Raewyn Stanaway & Linley Ward - Barfoot & Thompson Omokoroa


Haggle as usual please make sure you book in online $2 haggle if you are playing in the junior spots this goes towards the prizes and spot prizes. bring friends along to this they can get 3 free rounds before they decide if they want to sign up. 

Junior fundraiser 2nd march - Please make sure you enter your teams in with the office. Also if you are willing to help the junior committe with jobs that need to be done on the day or parent helpers who are available to help please make yourselves known. 

Congratulations to our juniors who played in the Tauranaga Futures event last Sunday with Omokoroa currently sitting in 4th place on the points table. if you want to know more about the futures events please speak with Stacey.





Celebrate International Womens Day in Golf

Sunday 9th March

9 holes stableford tee off from 11am 

6 holes team or individual play - tee off from 12.30pm

$15 for Members 

$25 for Visitors 

Pay on the day

Prizegiving at 3pm so all back in before then to register with your name any friends playing with you and your choice of playing option.

*the poster says 11:30 but we will start at 11am if needed for numbers a draw will be sent out closer to the event

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Omokoroa Golf Club
07 5480384

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