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Captains Corner
Daryl Muir


There is no doubt that the volume of golf played by visitors over the school holiday period was pleasantly surprising.  I say pleasantly because the resulting income was considerable.  Like all Clubs, these green fees are highly valued as it keeps our annual subscriptions to an acceptable level and allows the Club to run smoothly and further develop its assets.

However, I understand this extra volume causes some angst amongst the members.  There is also no doubt that our “little gem” here in Omokoroa has been well and truly discovered and it is the talk of fellow golfers everywhere.

Over recent weeks there has been several fractious conversations between members and green fee players alike whilst on the course.  I would remind all members that this sort of behaviour is not acceptable and falls outside our Club guidelines.  Slow play and etiquette issues or lack of them, can be politely addressed in a respectful manner. Any serious offenses should be brought to the office for assistance.

With our membership and visitors increasing and primed to jump again during the upcoming summer period, Marcus, the Players Group Captains and myself are working to put in place a marshalling system and to better educate our visitors and members alike on their conduct on the course.

Nathan, his team and our Course Convenor, Colin Gee and his volunteers, work tirelessly in these winter conditions to provide us all with the best course possible.  So please when it says “carts on paths only” please respect it.  When they rope off an obviously wet area, please don’t pull it up or lift your trundler over it and walk through it.  We have the potential for a stunning golf course this coming spring and summer so please respect their efforts.  Continue to replace your divots, rake the bunkers and repair your pitch marks.

The tee blocks on the practice fairway grassed areas are now closed to allow the teeing areas to regenerate.  Please respect this and use the mats now provided and please, if you are using the practice fairway, acquaint yourself of the rules on the signage adjacent to the tee blocks.

If the field is a little slow be patient and let it move along.  Don’t shout from the tee or fairway. 

We are here to enjoy this beautiful golf course in this stunning location.





9 Hole Ladies
Yvonne Hoskins

Even after all the rain we have had, the course is looking really good.  This was confirmed by our stableford haggle this week.  

Winners were - Robyn Lamborn with 21 stableford; Elaine Gavin 20; Bev Hansen and Gail Latham 19; Ali Howarth and Margaret Finsden with 18.  Well done ladies.   Also played was Round 6 of Shootout.  

The lovely box of soup ingredients for our raffle (donated by Jacqui Crossfield) was won by Janet Burmeister. Enjoy Janet.

As a special treat we were offered a 'christening drink' from Elaine and Peter Gavin on the opening of the ladies shelter on tee off hole number 9.  Thank you to Elaine and Peter and all the helpers / workers / designers who made this shelter.  It is much appreciated from the nine hole ladies.




9 Hole Men
Spencer Tankard

 Men’s Nine Hole Golf, Thursday 25th July 2024

 Numbers in the field got to 40 for Round No 4 of Stableford Cup.

          Top scores were:-                       

Front Nine   1        Allan Hoskins                     20 points

                     2        Gordon Lusby                    20                

                     3        Allan Winter                       18

                     4        Jim Avis                             16

                     5        Tom Martin                        16 (c-back)


Back Nine    1        Murray Telfer                     22 points

                     2        Chris Hogan                      18                

                     3        Lawson Stewart                 18      

                     4        Ernest Taylor                     18

                     5        Denis Mason                     17       

Next Week              Shootout Round No 4.

                        Net for all players including those not in the Shootout.



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Men's World
John 'Swampy' Marsh

Annan Law Saturday Men’s Golf

Division 1
LIghton Fisher 69
Patrick Hawkins 70

Brian Barsdell 70

Division 2
Gerrit Bahlman 68
Tony Allport 69
Brian Taylor 71

Carroll Cup – Round 2
Brian Barsdell    144
Jonty Jenkins     146
Ian Duncalf        146

Paddy Hawkins    11
Denne Stewart     17
Kevin Hughes        17
Brian Gill                11
Tony Allport           11

Round 3 of Carroll Cup this Saturday.

Good news, members can now purchase food from Tina and Conrad through your club account.

Upcoming events are Men’s Matchplay Champs and Pairs Competition.

To all Saturday men members, if you are looking for some advertising for your business, we are seeking sponsors for “nearest to the pin on 11” and “longest drive on 9”.  See Swampy if you are keen.

Also the committee will be seeking a secretary for next year if you are keen, give it some thought.  See Swampy.

PAIRS COMPETITION starting 10th August

To help with administration of the pairs compeition if you are playing please give your names to the office. Its combined nett over two rounds, played the 10th and 17th of August. You do not have to play in the same four as your partner but the system has to have you loaded. So please assist the office team with your registration. 

MATCHPLAY CHAMPS starting 24th August

In the Mens locker you must have your name down on the sheet if you want to take part. There is no qualifying it will be a seeded draw. If you name is not on the sheet by 12pm (noon) on Saturday the 17th you will not be entered into the draw. 




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Women's World
Debbie Clark

Haggle Results

Saturday 27th July
1st       Zoe Baguley-Skayman      39pts
2nd      Debbie Clark                       38pts
3rd       Anya Apanui                       37pts

Alma Eatery NTP: Pixie Lochhead

Craigs Investment Prize for highest score of the day: Zoe Baguley-Skayman

Tuesday 30thJuly
1st       Julie Howard                        35pts
2nd      Rae Milne                             34pts
3rd       Maryanne McGarva           33pts

Alma Eatery NTP: Jan Crawshaw

Craigs Investment Prize for highest score of the day: Julie Howard

A Night of Elegance

What a wonderful night this was! A superb meal was put on by our caterers Tina and Conrad and there were many elegant outfits on show. A big thank you to the Ladies Committee, especially Sue Reese, Glenda Street and Gail Nicholls, for their work in putting this evening together. Photos attached, hopefully!

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Vets Vibes
Ian Howells

This week’s competition was stableford and the first round of two for the Grandma and Grandpa trophies. The first round leaders for that competition are Hugh Moleta in the men and Jan Gill in the woman. The shootout net qualifying continues sponsored by the Omokoroa Coffee Club.   

Wednesday Results


                Ken Joyce, Colin Gee and Mark Dodd

Haggle -  Stableford

                Division 1 – Congrats to Hugh Moleta 43, Dale Chadwick 40, Alan Hitchiner 39

                Division 2 – Andrew Park 39, Bruce Lewer 39, Barry Weir 39

Nearest to the Pin on the 11th

                Man – Alan Hitchener

                Woman – Glenda Street

Upcoming Events

Vets Club day 7th August – Nett Competition

BOP Mens Vets at Whakatane on Monday 12th August

Vets Club day 14th August – 2nd Round of Grandpa/Grandma Trophy (2 round competition)

Quads at Omanu on the 19th August (four club competition)





Presidents Message
Swampy 'John' Marsh

Don’t forget to contact Colin Gee if you wish to purchase firewood.  There is plenty available at a good price.

Congratulations to Anya Apanui coming second in the Junior Gross Event Under 18 and to Martina Keir who was 8th equal in the Coronation Cup Net Event for Silver Division 5 under par, well done ladies.



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Saturday Junior Golf
Sponsored by Raewyn Stanaway & Linley Ward - Barfoot & Thompson Omokoroa

Congratulations to Miles Bell winner of the Haggle last week with a Net 30 

This week is the start of the matchplay champs with the draw up on the webiste click here to view. There is no haggle for the next two weeks, if you have a bye you can play a friendly match for practice.  If you are not playing in the matchplay you can still book in online and play.





Friday Haggle
Terry Golder

26th July 2024 (69 Entries)

Division 1
Ken Joyce            42
Mark Dodd         39
Dale Chadwick   39

Division 2
Elva Travers       41
Jonty Jenkins    40
Paul Cole           38



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Omokoroa Golf Club
07 5480384

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