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Manager's Message
Marcus Niles

New Kit
We have some flash new machinery in the shed!  Our new Gator will be very welcome as a utility vehicle.  Massive thanks to the Men’s group for allocating funds to cover half that purchase.
The new electric greens mower has been a long time coming, but the lads are stoked with it.  The new machine has some cool features.  Huge thanks to TECT for their grant that covered half the cost of the mower!  TECT is a wonderful organisation that supports our community in so many ways, and are really grateful they chose to support our golf club.

AGM – 13 June @ 6pm
Please find below the notice of meeting for our AGM in two weeks.
There are three Board vacancies, and three nominations have been received, so there is no need for an election.  We have also received single nominations for the important roles of President and Club Captain, so the elected roles have been neatly filled.
We will also be updating members about our progress with the Clubhouse Renovation and Course Masterplan.
The Annual Report and Accounts, along with other meeting documents will be sent out prior to the meeting.




Captain's Corner
Daryl Muir

Winter has certainly arrived, however when you compare the course to the same time last year what a difference.  All the effort across the summer has certainly paid off.  Great to see plenty of support with the size of the fields for all the individual tee bookings and also the support for our new caterers. Keep it up.  

Fantastic to see some capital investment in the form of a new greens mower and gator workhorse for the course.

The Local Rules board has been rewritten to match the board on the front of the building with only the change to Rule 5 left to add to the front board.  Marcus has this underway.  Also the clubhouse and car park are now defined as OB with new stakes and the cobblestones on the corner clubhouse boundaries painted white which removes all guesswork from the equation.

There are only 3 tables left for the Quiz night and also some individual seats left for those who don’t have a team.  Family and friends are welcome, so be in quick it will be a great evening.  Please see details below and book at the office.

Friday 14th June 2024 — 7 pm
Quiz Master — David Ashton
Teams of 8
15 Tables of 8 available
Book an 8 member team or individually
Cost $20.00 pp includes hot/cold nibbles platter for each table
Bar Open
Members, Family, Friends all welcome




9 Hole Men
Fred Hartley

Men's Nine Hole Golf, Thursday 30th May 2024

The Championship and Plate Matchplay finals  to be played next week:

Division 1

Championship:  Lawson Stewart v Tom Hansen
Plate:                   Nelson Cull v Rod McLeod

Division 2 

Championship:   Spencer Tankard v Bruce Baggenstos
Plate:                    Horton Schofield v Alan Poore

Thursday haggle results:

Denis Douglas      22   points                        
Thomas Hansen   21      "
Allan Winter          21      "
Allan Hoskins        19       "

Gary Blackler        18       "     (c-back)

A big shout for Allan Winter for his Eagle 3 on the 12th hole.

Next Week 6th June:    Matchplay finals on the Back Nine.
                                         3-Tees Stableford on the front and back nine.




9 Hole Ladies
Yvonne Hoskins

We had a 'fun' day at golf this week - playing all irons off the red tees.  Some very good scores were handed in.  It was a stableford competition.

Winners on the day were:

Dianne Litten       19
Daisy Harrison     18
Judith Eaton         18
Alison North         18

Well done ladies in fine but windy conditions.  

Bev Hansen won the raffle.



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Men's World
John 'Swampy' Marsh

Annan Law Saturday Men's Haggle

Winners  Division 1

Neil Howard       72
Zabe Orchard     72
Kieran Muir        73

Division 2

Mark Middleton   89
Don Haywood       91
Murray Browne    91

This Saturday is second round of matchplay,  see booking sheet on dotgolf.  Those of you who came second, you will play first round of the plate for the President’s Trophy.

Congratulations to Allen Mayo who played two under his age, also to Ben Ormsby who eagled the 13th (WOW) and to Jordy Shaw who eagled the 12th, great downhill put, and pleasure to play with a young fellow that treats an old chap like me, with politeness and respect.  Cheers.




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Women's World
Debbie Clark

Haggle Winners

Saturday 25th May

1st        Shirley Hurn            39pts

2nd      Gae Stevenson       37pts

3rd       Astrid Martin              36pts

Tuesday 28th  May

1st        Jo Jory                      40pts

2nd      Gay Walker              38pts

3rd       Janice Bell                37pts


Alma’s Eatery Nearest The Pin: Pink Leow

Caterers Hidden Holes

Tina and Conrad are very generously sponsoring a prize for the best total STB score on four hidden holes, for each playing group in the club. 18 Hole Ladies were the first to be offered this prize, of $50, and it was won by Dawn Rumney. Well done to Dawn, and thank you to Tina and Conrad.

Matchplay Finals (Photo of the winners below)

These were played last Sunday 26th May, and some great golf was played by very evenly matched opponents.

Silver Final
Anya Apanui def Kellie Orchard over 36 holes.

Bronze 1 Final
Dawn Rumney def Dee McCrea over 36 holes.

Bronze 2 Final
Phyllis Crawley def Barb Ellingford over 18 holes.

Bronze 3 Final
Glenda Gourley def Sue Muir over 18 holes.

Pennants Matchplay

The final round of this competition was held at Waihi last Friday, 24th May. Our Silver  team of Lynda Smith, Debbie Clark and Judy Crawford were 3rd on the day, with Lynda having a win and a loss and Debbie having two wins, placing them 7th overall. The Bronze team of Dawn Rumney, Raewyn Stanaway and Janice Bell were 5th on the day, with Raewyn having a win and a loss, placing them 2nd= overall.

Thank you again, to Sue Reese for selecting, organising and  supporting all the pennants teams this year.

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Friday Haggle
Terry Golder

24th May 2024 (66 Entries)

Division 1

Gary Blackler     38
Ross Brooking    35
Erich Bucher      35

Division 2

Mike Berry      39
Elva Travers     38
Ian Graham     38




President's Message
John 'Swampy' Marsh

My apologies to Jonathan Lewis, my memory duh, thanks for being our barrow man pouring the concrete.

Big shout out to all our volunteers who turned up on Monday to mulch a huge pile of branches and rubbish, two day job turned into one.  Thanks guys.

If you see Nathan and his team with big smiles, the new gator turned up Monday compliments of the Saturday men, and your member funds from the golf club.  Cheers all.



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Omokoroa Golf Club Inc


The Annual General Meeting of members

will be held in the Clubhouse

Thursday 13th June 2024, 6pm


  1. Welcome


  1. Attendance/Apologies
  2. Confirmation of the Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 29 June 2023 and the Special General Meeting held on 27 February 2024
  3. Business Arising from the Minutes
  4. Annual Reports & Financial Statements
  5. Annual Subscriptions for the 2025/26 season    
    It is the recommendation of the Board that subscriptions be set at a Special General Meeting to be called early 2025
  6. Election of Officers
    1. Confirmation of President
    2. Confirmation of Board Members
    3. Confirmation of Club Captain
  7. Clubhouse Renovation Update
  8. Course Masterplan Update
  9. General Business



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Omokoroa Golf Club
07 5480384

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