Women's World
Debbie Clark
Saturday 25th November
Summer Cup Round 1
1st Martina Keir 40pts
2nd Pixie Lochhead 37pts
3rd Mary Findlay 36pts
Alma’s Eatery prize for nearest to the pin: Pink Leow
Tuesday 28th November
Summer Cup Round 2
1st Pauline Page 40pts
2nd Cathy Berry 40pts
3rd Brenda Arneson 40pts
Alma’s Eatery prize for nearest to the pin: Gail Nicholls
The Green Fingers Group
Lynda Smith is leading a group of keen gardeners, who are working with our greenkeepers to keep our gardens looking good. The staff do all the spraying and digging, so there is only light work to be done by the volunteers. Lynda has worked out a schedule, and it is mainly being done on Monday and Thursday afternoons, for about 2 hours. If you are interested in helping, contact Lynda on 027 223 5246. Many hands make light work!
New Squab Covers in the Ladies Locker Room
Lynda is also leading a group of dedicated ladies drafting, cutting and sewing together new squab covers for the Ladies Locker Room. There was an impressive array of sewing machines, cutting tables and overlockers in the clubrooms yesterday!
Thank you to all who were involved; Pauline Page, Elaine Gavin, Cherry Reehal, Rae Milne, Barbara Atkin, Lynda Middleton, and a huge thank you to Lynda Smith, for initiating the project, purchasing the fabric and organising the working bee.