Manager's Message
Marcus Niles
Golf Managers Association
Sorry about the lateness of the newsletter this week. I have just got home from a week-long GMA training course in Auckland. Looks like I have missed some horrible weather.
The course was a great opportunity to learn from experienced managers and golf professionals. It included modules on subjects such as leadership, time management, service management, employment law, social media, golf operations, communication, and accounting. I also went through a psychometric test to determine my personality type and how I perform best. Turns out I am a ‘green/blue’ person! Really intriguing stuff, with some interesting personal insights.
The best part of the course is connecting with other golf club managers and staff, gathering ideas, and sharing stories. It is obvious we are all facing similar challenges, and it’s comforting to know I have kindred spirits who see the same issues on a daily basis that I do. The knowledge gained, connections made, and shared experiences will undoubtedly contribute to my growth as a golf club manager
A reminder that the club AGM is on Thursday 29 June at 7pm. Please find attached the Annual Report, along with our Operating Budget for this financial year. The Annual Report can also be found on our website under 'club management'.
If you have any specific questions about the budget or accounts, could you please forward them prior to the meeting to enable us to provide a considered response.
Any apologies can be emailed to me at