Vets Vibes
Ross Milne
Monday BOP Vets – Ohope Cancelled
Wednesday Club Vets Haggle Cancelled
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
Despite conditions four players ventured out on Wednesday viz Steve Ingall, Barry Whitely, David Kenna and Bob Duckworth. They all have one thing in common and it’s not that they (excepting David) reside in Hamurana Road. Perhaps the answer is in the heading.
Worthy Rounds
There’s always several but at last Friday’s haggle we saw a couple worth noting. R Milne with 78 cracked that ( 80 ) goal for first time. Also Bill Abraham shot 79 coming home in 37 and winning the day’s stableford from Ross on countback. ( Obviously short of news this week).
Prize Values (or Price of Peaches)
Periodically we take a look at “income v expenditure” in respect of the Wednesday haggle. Given cost increases in the liquor and grocery sectors these have had, and will continue to have, an influence on parameters we work to.
We’re using the “Vibes” to at least raise the "possibility" of reviewing our Vets Entry Fee model. It is only one option but over time there is some inevitability that like everything else an increase or revamp will become necessary.
I suppose that some of the options would include:
• sourcing prizes from other outlets
• reducing value of prizes eg choice of 2 cans instead of 3
• reducing number of prizes –ie the cut off level
(all of negligible benefit to be fair)
But with a different model we could look at incorporating all the various competitions viz hidden holes, twos or closest to pin etc The main idea is that these events be self funding and in the short term we may not need to do anything at all. And were not talking of significant sums. Anyway it’s food (or peaches) for thought.
At this stage the Vet’s Committee propose to look at this at their next meeting
Cartoon Corner
Dedicated to Crusher and Evan
(Thanks Bob)